This is a quick post on how to configure the management IP address on a D-link switch. Mine was a DGS3324SR but i bet it’s the same on all D-link managed rack switches.
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Tag Archives: Converter

Belkin F5U103V serial to USB converter on Windows 7 64Bit
Update: I have not tested this on Windows 8, but it should work. If anyone does this on Windows 8 (i don’t have a Windows 8 machine laying around), please leave a comment to verify if it works or not.
Yes, this post is about Windows!
I had a problem yesterday, and thought I should post my solution since I had a hard time getting it to work and it might help others.
I have a D-link DGS-3324SR rack switch for my servers, and it had some random IP address on the configuration interface that I was not able to find, and I needed to get into the switch to configure some vlans.
I thought “That’s easy, just connect to the console port and thats it”, but then i came home to notice that none of my computers have a serial (RS323) port!
I then found a serial (RS323) to USB converter at work, the Belkin F5U103V and borrowed it for the day, but when i got home and plugged it into a Windows 7 64Bit laptop I noticed that there was no driver found for the device.
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