Category Archives: Server

Configuring HP iLO through Linux automatically

We only use HP servers and we get more and more every week. Someone has to keep track of all those servers and be able to configure them using iLO in case of a disaster
Installation almost runs automatically, except for iLO configuration.
I have to first find the iLO ip, then login to the web interface, create users, set static IP and what not. It takes time, a lot of it.
If only there was some way to automate it without having to use HP’s software.. but wait, THERE IS!

I already posted how to scan for all HP ILO devices in your subnet, but the basics in the following post on how to configure iLO from your guest Linux OS might make everything a little easier for the sysadmins out there

How to configure HP iLO in Linux

First I will show you the useful commands and an example output for each, and then how to automate the configuration of your HP iLO interface using bash scripting
The script for configuring iLO automatically will be included at the end of this post

Needed packages:

OpenIPMI OpenIPMI-libs OpenIPMI-tools

These packages can be installed through your favorite package manager, below you’ll see the defaults in Debian and CentOS/RHEL


apt-get install OpenIPMI OpenIPMI-libs OpenIPMI-tools


yum install OpenIPMI OpenIPMI-libs OpenIPMI-tools

Once you got those installed, you can move on and configure or fetch info from iLO through the guest Linux

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Fixing /lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory

Today I had to run a script on a 64Bit server, but was met with the following error:

/lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory

Reason for the /lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory error

The /lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory error will happen only on 64 bit systems, the cause is the that 32 bit libraries are missing from the system and the script/program needs them, so it can’t run.

How to fix the /lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory error

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MySQL get size of all databases in megabytes

Why would you want to get the size of all databases in my MySQL?

Reason for this could be many, in my case I wanted to make sure replication worked as expected, I wanted to see the size of my database be the same on all my MySQL servers. Also I was a little curious how big some of my databases was.

There’s not much to write on this matter, just thought somebody could use this query, I know I am going to use this query many times in the future again.

The query for showing databae sizes in MySQL

It’s one tiny query actually. Just fire up a mysql client, phpmyadmin, mysql in terminal or you can even do this in a script.

The query:

SELECT table_schema AS "Database name", SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024 AS "Size (MB)" FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema;

Sample output:

| Database name              | Size (MB)   |
| information_schema         |  0.15625000 |
| mysql                      |  1.12139893 |
| performance_schema         |  0.00000000 |
| phpmyadmin                 |  0.04900742 |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)

View network bandwidth for each process in Linux using Nethogs

Have you ever been in the saturation that your Linux server is using a lot of network bandwidth, but it’s a guesswork to find the process using it all?
I just stumbled upon this tool, it’s not a new tools, but it’s extremely useful!
Let’s say you have a server running apache, mysql, ftp, btsync and a lot of other network services. and somehow that server is using up 100Mbit constantly. You want to find out what it is but only got tools like iftop, atop, iptraf and others which are all great tools, but they only show which connections are using the network bandwidth.
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How to install a CentOS 7 64Bit server

With CentOS 7 just released, I thought it would be a great time to make a CentOS 7 64Bit server installation step-by-step guide, with pictures and everything just like the old CentOS 6.5 64Bit server installation guide.

Requirements for installing a CentOS 7 64Bit server

You don’t need much for this, of course you need a computer or server to install this on, and the only other things you need are a working internet connection on the server and the CentOS 7 64Bit iso.
You can download the iso here:
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